Thieves' World


The S'Danzo are a race of people who possess a unique skill. S'Danzo women often have the ability to see things in the future. In Sanctuary, the S'Danzo of the Bazaar have become respected for their ability to give people advice.
While visions of the future can come spontaneously or in dreams, a S'Danzo often has to concentrate to catch a glimpse of the future. The most common tool of concentration are S'Danzo cards. These special cards are often passed down from generation to generation. In addition, when predicting the future of someone else, a personal item belonging to the person is useful.
While the S'Danzo often sell their services to outsiders, they are quite closed in their personal lives. It is considered a scandal for a S'Danzo, especially a S'Danzo woman, to marry an outsider.