Thieves' World

Basic Rules

Primary Attributes: (d100)

Secondary Attributes: Attribute or average of attributes +/- 10
Strength Size
Perception Intelligence, Senses
Seeing Senses
Hearing Senses
Smell Senses
Melee Fighting Dexterity, Strength
Missile Fighting Dexterity, Seeing
Speed Strength, (101 - Size)
Art Dexterity, Personality
Magic Use Magic, Intelligence

Skill Modifiers
Atrrib. Mod. Atrrib. Mod.
1 -10 61-70 1
2-3 -9 71-75 2
4-6 -8 76-80 3
7-9 -7 81-84 4
10-12 -6 85-88 5
13-16 -5 89-91 6
17-20 -4 92-94 7
21-25 -3 95-97 8
26-30 -2 98-99 9
31-40 -1 100 10
41-60 0

Other Attributes
Hit Points = 20 + Size Mod. + Constitution Mod.
Damage Bonus = Strength / 20 (round down)
Magic Points = ((Magic - 50) * 2)

Experience Points
10% of current skill to raise a skill 1% -> round up
-Negative Skills cost -Skill to raise 1%
Difficulty rating to learn new spell
Cost of raising skill * 10 to raise an attribute
-does not effect skills already learned or secondary attributes
-does effect Magic Points, Hit Points

Each Spell has a rating for Difficulty, Base Drain, Additional Drain
If spell fails, Base Drain points are still lost

A character's initial skills are based on which template the character is based on.
Each template starts out with certain skills at certain levels. Each template also has extra experience points. These experiece points can be used to raise any skill. However, no skill can be initially raised past 50.

Skills: (note: no skill may be higher than related attribute)
*Language *History *Engineering *Reading/Writing
Biology Herbalism Law Philosophy Toxicology Business Adm.

Rope Use Sewing Juggling Acrobatics
Riding Blacksmith Pick Pockets Pick Locks
Remove Traps Hiding Move Silently Climbing
Boating Swimming

*Etiquette Begging Intimidation

Agriculture Animal Hand. Navigation Tracking
Healing Disguise Appraisal

Singing Sculpture Painting Drawing
*Instrument Acting

Magic Use
Alchemy Illusion Information Personal
Energy Summoning Alteration Movement

Melee Fighting
Axe Club/Mace Dagger/Knife Pole Arm
1-Hand Sword 2-Hand Sword Whip Hand-to-Hand

Missile Fighting
Bow Crossbow Blowgun Sling
Dart Dagger/Knife Axe Throwing Star

Armor Rating Subtracted from damage
However, each point of armor rating subtracts
5% : pick pockets, juggling, acrobatics, riding
10% : hiding, move silently, climbing, any Magic Skill
15% : Swimming

Rate Armor Cost (sp)
1 Leather 5
2 Studded Leather 10
3 Half-Chain 60
4 Chain 100
5 Scale 300
6 Plate 800

Shields: Subtract 5% from opponent's attack rolls, cost 20 sp.
Weapons: Use AD&D listings, keeping damage and convert gold into silver.