AD&D Character
Weapon Bastard Sword (1hnd) Bastard Sword (2hnd) Blowgun Dagger Flame Sword +1 Long Sword + 2 | Damage 1d8 +1 2d4+1 1d3 1d4 + 1 1d8 + 4 1d8+5 | THAC0 17 17 17 17 15 14 | #Attacks 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Special Flames on Command |
Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Climbing, Swimming, Blind Fighting Specialize in Long Sword Detect Evil 60' Immune to disease heal 2 hp/level (once a day) Cure disease (one a week) 10' circle of protection (-1 to all evil creature rolls) Turn undead (As level -2 cleric) | Savings Throws |
Paralyze, Poison, Death | 11 |
Rod, Staff, Wand | 11 |
Petrification, Polymorph | 12 |
Breath Weapon | 14 |
Spell | 10 |